What is a group discussion video?
It is a preparation stage for your Grooming Instruction Video, where you will discuss with your group members about the things that need to be done. Everyone must participate in the discussion in providing their insights and suggestions.

Below are suggestions you may include in your group discussion videos.
1. What is the theme for our next Grooming Instruction Video?
2. Who is going to participate in the video? What role is everyone playing in the video?
3. When are we going to start recording the video?
4. How can we make our video interesting?
Feel free to voice out your ideas as there should be many questions and suggestions that you can share during the discussion.

What is a group reflection video?
You are to reflect on your performance while producing Grooming Instruction Video (GIV). It is basically to review aspects that you can improve for the next GIV. It also acts as a development stage for your language proficiency.

Example of questions for Group Reflection:
1. How can we produce a better GIV?
2. What are some of the aspects that could be improved on?
2. What are the strengths of the GIV produced?
3. Did everyone show his/her commitment in completing the task assigned?
4. Did you use English when communicating with your group members at all times?
a. If ‘Yes’, share some of your experience.
b. If ‘No’, share some of the problems or difficulties that hindered the use of English in your group discussion or activity.
5. Do you feel comfortable conversing in English?
6. What were some of the challenges faced in production of your GIV?
7. What did you enjoy most in producing your GIV?

During the group reflection sessions, you are to share your experience and feeling during the production of GIV.


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